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Attorneys at Raleigh Divorce Law Firm

“The most wonderful time of the year” …and the busiest

On Behalf of | Nov 20, 2024 | Child Custody |

The holiday season is full of fun and joy. However, it also often brings a schedule that is full to the brim. So, to manage the hustle and bustle of the holidays it will help immensely to be strategic with your schedule.

Refer to that parenting plan

Holiday schedules are commonly addressed in North Carolina custody agreements and parenting plans. Usually, the most common holiday schedules can include:

  • Switching off holidays by year: For example, one parent has the kids for Thanksgiving and the other has them for Christmas, and vice versa the next year.
  • Sharing time each year: In this case, parents might arrange their time so they can still celebrate the holidays with their children without switching off by year. A common strategy includes one parent taking the kids for Christmas Eve, while the other has them for Christmas Day, for example.

Parents can negotiate adjustments depending on the details each year. As we have discussed in previous blog posts, however, it is best to negotiate any changes as early as possible. This is key to reduce conflict and stress – for both parents and kids – during this busy time of year.

After all, arranging how you will share parenting time during the holidays can be stressful for your children too. Addressing plans and any schedule changes early can also give you and your co-parent time to talk with your kids about the holiday plans and prepare them.

Balancing the holiday and the traditions

As mentioned above, be proactive in arranging your schedule. This means you not only consider the actual day of the holiday, but any traditions or plans leading up to the holidays as well.

For example, you may also want to schedule time for:

  • Selecting or decorating the Christmas tree with the kids
  • Holiday shopping trips
  • Gift exchanges or parties
  • Baking desserts or holiday specialties

Your holiday schedule must strike a careful balance involving many plans and people. Getting ahead of the game and being prepared can help you stay on top of the holidays this year and keep your spirits bright.


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