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3 small steps that have big effects on co-parenting

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2023 | Child Custody |

Committing to co-parenting is a major undertaking. Even when you and your co-parent have the details of a parenting plan and schedule hammered out, it can still feel like a challenge to navigate the co-parenting relationship and new family situation every day.

When things get challenging, it can often help to start with small steps that can help improve the everyday process and approach to the situation. Here are three steps for North Carolina parents to consider:

1. Create calendars

A calendar is critical for co-parenting to work effectively. Nowadays, there are many options for parents to have a shared calendar online or even through an app. That way, they can:

  • Keep the schedules up to date
  • Immediately notify each other of changes
  • Easily keep track of their children’s activities or events

However, as Child Mind Institute says, your children should have a calendar of their own as well. Having access to a detailed calendar in both parents’ homes can help reduce children’s anxiety, as they will know exactly where they will be and on what days they will be there.

2. Find other outlets for your stress

Co-parenting can be a difficult situation. Even if you and your co-parent are on fairly good terms, you can still deal with stress and conflict.

That does not mean you should let your stress impact that relationship. It can help immensely if you find other outlets for your stress. These might include:

  • Meditation
  • Physical activity
  • Alone time

Actively seeking to manage your stress outside of the co-parenting relationship can help clear your head. Feeling less stressed overall can make it easier to approach co-parenting matters without conflict. It may seem simple, but finding effective ways to manage your stress can make a big difference.

3. Lead with empathy

This is an important step when it comes to your co-parent, your children and even yourself. Getting into the habit of prioritizing empathy can help make parenting decisions and discussions go smoothly.

As we have discussed in previous blog posts, co-parenting is a skill to learn and a situation to which you and your family must grow accustomed. Leading with empathy will take practice and time, but it can help you and your family overcome the stumbling blocks as you venture forward with co-parenting after a divorce.
