While every relationship is different, several studies find that the reasons couples decide to divorce are often quite similar. The most common reason may change depending on the study, but one thing remains true across the board: the lack of a key relationship component is a top cause spouses list as the reason behind the divorce.
What exactly is lacking?
There are many aspects of the relationship that could be lacking which, in turn, could lead to the end of a marriage. Psychology Today notes several issues that couples cite for their divorce, including:
- A lack of commitment
- A lack of compatibility or intimacy
- A lack of communication
- A lack of trust
Of course, there are likely underlying reasons for all of the issues listed above. For example, a lack of trust might be the result of infidelity, while a lack of communication or commitment could be the result of spouses simply drifting apart.
Recognizing these issues is essential. If both spouses commit to resolving the lacking issue at hand, such as agreeing to attend marriage counseling, it may be possible to overcome these issues.
The other extreme applies as well: Too much
However, the opposite extreme of “lack” also can cause a relationship to break down. For example, too much conflict or too many financial concerns – such as problems arising out of financial infidelity – can negatively impact a marriage and lead one or both spouses to consider a divorce.
Remember: A reason is not necessary
It is important to remember that you do not necessarily need a reason to get a divorce under the law. North Carolina is a no-fault divorce state. Even if any of the reasons listed above are true in your situation and one of the driving forces behind your choice to end your marriage, you do not have to list it when you file for divorce.