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How should you and your ex deal with your child’s behavior?

On Behalf of | Nov 9, 2022 | Child Custody |

Your child is acting out in school. This is a stressful situation in and of itself, but it can feel even more so when you and your child’s other parent are no longer together. In these situations, you have to be more strategic in how you approach the issue. So, what should you and your ex do?

Three steps you should take to help your child

Events that are out of the ordinary – such as a child acting out – are often when co-parenting can become tense and stressful. However, there are ways you can help deal with this situation:

  1. Have a parent-to-parent meeting: Effective co-parenting usually requires a certain level of communication. In a case like this, it may be necessary to meet in person to discuss the issue. It is important to remain civil. Your child is the priority here, so make sure the conversation stays centered on kid issues, not your own, and your plan for how you will broach the subject with your child.
  2. Talk to your child together: In co-parenting, it is important to establish a united front. So, arrange a time to meet as a family and determine why your child may be acting out. It is not uncommon for children to exhibit different and extreme behaviors after their parents break up or divorce. Keep this in mind as you speak with your child. If the divorce is a driving force behind the behavior, children might not be aware of it themselves, or they may not feel comfortable telling you that.
  3. Choose and follow up on your options: Can this behavior be dealt with by the two of you at home? Should you get counseling help? If you and your ex have joint custody in North Carolina, then you will have to make any decisions regarding your child’s life and health together. Carefully consider all of your options and take action.

Acting out in school is not easy for any parent to handle. Even so, it is possible to work together to support your children through these tough times.


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