Guiding families through all aspects of divorce in North Carolina

Attorneys at Raleigh Divorce Law Firm

Consider your options before a DIY divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 24, 2021 | Divorce |

Do-it-yourself trends have been all the rage for years, leading people to complete their own home renovations or even start their own businesses. It might sound strange to include divorce in the category of DIY activities.

Even so, several DIY divorce sources and options have cropped up on the internet over the years. So, what should you know about these options – especially if you are considering a divorce?

Why is DIY divorce becoming more common?

Nowadays, one of the first things people do is turn to the internet for solutions to everyday issues they come across or “how-to” instructions. It seems it is no different for divorce. There are several platforms that provide information and even DIY forms for a divorce.

The instant accessibility of this information is one reason why this trend is increasing. Other contributing reasons include:

  • Hesitancy to begin legal proceedings or take matters to court
  • General agreement between spouses to divorce
  • The idea of having more control over the process of their divorce

The combination of these factors can lead people to consider DIY options. However, ease is not always the answer, especially when it comes to the often-complex matters surrounding divorce.

4 reasons to approach these options with caution

DIY sources and platforms may provide helpful information when you are first considering the option of a divorce. However, you should be careful when it comes to these options for a few reasons:

  1. Court is not the only route: A DIY divorce is not the only way you can avoid court to resolve your divorce. North Carolina couples can pursue mediation and other alternatives long before they even consider going to court.
  2. Agreement does not mean simplicity: Even if you and your spouse agree to divorce, and agree on many aspects of your divorce, there are many specific issues and details you must address. For example, determining the details of a child custody agreement can be complex – even without parental conflict.
  3. Finances should not be at risk: Like child custody, the division of marital property is a process with many facets and factors to consider. Using DIY options might overlook some of these important facets, and lead to complicated issues. It is critical to approach this process with care, as it directly impacts your financial future after divorce.
  4. Divorce is personal: There is no “quick-fix” to a divorce. It is a very personal event that requires individualized support to protect the family’s future.

DIY divorce options may be increasing in popularity, but it is still critical to be aware of all the options available when debating a divorce. Different families have different needs, and they should make sure they choose the option that is right for them as they move forward.
