Guiding families through all aspects of divorce in North Carolina

Attorneys at Raleigh Divorce Law Firm

The unknown benefits of mediation

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2019 | Divorce Mediation |

Even in an amicable divorce, it can be easy for spouses to see things in extremes: black and white, his or hers or winning and losing. After all, a divorce is often an incredibly emotional and stressful event. Taking a divorce to court often only escalates these already extreme feelings which, in turn, heightens the risk of disputes.

That is where mediation can help.

There are many benefits to divorce mediation

Many people considering a divorce might already know that mediation offers various benefits, including:

  • It can significantly reduce the stress that legal issues can have on the family;
  • Mediation promotes fair negotiations and resolutions between spouses;
  • Spouses have more control over the terms of their divorce; and
  • Mediation is often less expensive than taking a divorce to court.

However, one of the benefits that spouses might overlook is the significant role the mediator can play in their divorce, as well as how they approach their future after the divorce.

What is the mediator’s job?

Generally, it is a mediator’s job to:

  • Facilitate the discussions and negotiations between the spouses;
  • Use their training and comprehensive knowledge of North Carolina’s laws to explain each side’s position and help facilitate a divorce settlement agreement; and
  • Remain neutral as they guide spouses to reach their own agreements.

The mediator’s neutrality is one of the most critical benefits, according to Forbes. After all, conflicts are never black and white. So, it is the mediator’s job to understand both sides of the story – without taking sides – and help spouses reach a fair agreement that meets their family’s needs, as well as their own best interests.

Having a neutral party involved in divorce proceedings can help spouses:

  • See issues from different perspectives, whether or not they are involved in a dispute, and put their family first;
  • Consider the big picture, and how decisions they make now will affect the next chapter of their life; and
  • Learn productive strategies to handle disagreements and negotiations in the future.

An effective mediator can create a safe space where spouses feel comfortable discussing their concerns and finding workable solutions to resolve those issues.
